Support Us!
At the end of January 2025, moved out of test mode, and has launched with hundred of scheduled events.
This website has been a labor of love since I began working on it at the beginning of 2023.
In addition to being a resource that I myself have wished for,
it has been my way of making a contribution to this community that has become my home.
Thousands of hours have gone into the site over the last two years, and remaining resources are low.
I would like to thank Rob Campbell especially for helping me get to the finish line.
There are ongoing costs in keeping the site running and secure as well as making needed improvements and bug fixes.
I hope some of our users will be able to help me in this effort, either financially, or by participating in tracking
all of our community events and artists..
In return, I pledge to keep the site running and making improvements, and doing everything I can to make this site a resource for our entire community!
Patreon makes it easy to support people whose work you appreciate and value.
Not everyone is in a position to make a large contribution, but
you can make a big difference with a subscription as little $2. Several Tiers of support ar explained.
If you would like to help work on site content, or to mention an event or performing artist, please
Contact Kyle.